Latexdiff is a free perl script that highlights what has been added and what has been deleted between two versions of a latex document.
The script is used as follows:
latexdiff oldversion.tex newversion.tex > diffversion.tex
oldversion.tex is the old version of the latex document, newversion.tex is the newer one and diffversion.tex is a generated version that uses some custom latex commands to highlight the differences between the two documents passed as parameters.
While preprocessing a document, Latexdiff script replaces the \^ escape character with a custom command \SUPERSCRIPT (or SUPERSCRIPTNB).
In postprocessing, it reverts back to the \^ character.
However, as I am writing a latex document in french, I didn’t mean to use ^ to write a superscript but to write the circumflex accent.
For example, t\^{e}te meant tête, not tete.
As a consequence, the generated diff document had errors everywhere \^ was used to write circumflex accents.
To fix the issue, I simply commented, in the latexdiff script, the lines that switched between the \^ regular expression and the SUPERSCRIPT custom command.
The following preprocessing instructions were commented:
# Convert ^n into \SUPERSCRIPTNB{n} and ^{nnn} into \SUPERSCRIPT{nn}
s/\^([^{\\]|\\\w+)/\\SUPERSCRIPTNB{$1}/g ;
s/\^{($pat4)}/\\SUPERSCRIPT{$1}/g ;
And those postprocessing instructions were commented too:
# Convert \SUPERSCRIPTNB{n} into ^n and \SUPERSCRIPT{nn} into ^{nnn}
s/\\SUPERSCRIPTNB{($pat0)}/^$1/g ;
s/\\SUPERSCRIPT{($pat4)}/^{$1}/g ;
Thus if you want to generate the diff between two latex documents containing circumflex accents, you can still use latexdiff. Just comment the conflictual instructions.